Example Config

A working JSON config to explore

formConfig =
  "title"                   : "My Custom Form",
  "validationFailedMessage" : "There are some required fields you still haven't completed.",
  "openAutomatically"       : true,
  "openFormButtonText"      : "Fill Form",
  "maxWidth"                : "600",
  "postback"                : {
    "formDataUrlParam"  : "formData",
    "userInput"         : "Thanks, I've completed the form",
    "confirmationAlert" : "Thanks we have received your form"
  "button"                  : {
    "text"            : "Send",
    "icon"            : "send-circle",
    "color"           : "secondary",
    "clearButtonText" : "Clear"
  "fields"                  : [
      "alert" : {
        "text"          : "Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. In auctor lobortis lacus.",
        "type"          : "success",
        "border"        : "left",
        "elevation"     : 2,
        "coloredBorder" : true,
        "dense"         : false,
        "prominent"     : false,
        "outlined"      : false,
        "tile"          : false,
        "icon"          : "account-edit"
      "header" : {
        "label" : "Please enter in your email address"
      "textInput" : {
        "name"           : "username",
        "label"          : "Email",
        "hint"           : "Just the username part please",
        "initialValue"   : "jolzee",
        "placeHolder"    : "username",
        "style"          : {
          "solo"         : true,
          "outlined"     : false,
          "flat"         : false,
          "filled"       : false,
          "rounded"      : false,
          "shaped"       : false,
          "soloInverted" : false
        "clearable"      : true,
        "persistentHint" : true,
        "dense"          : false,
        "counter"        : 12,
        "icons"          : {
          "prepend"      : "",
          "prependInner" : "",
          "append"       : "",
          "appendOuter"  : "email-edit"
        "prefix"         : "",
        "suffix"         : "@gmail.com",
        "validations"    : "required"
      "textarea" : {
        "name"           : "bio",
        "label"          : "Write a bio for yourself",
        "description"    : "Please write a Bio about yourself.",
        "hint"           : "Keep it brief and to the point",
        "initialValue"   : "Bacon ipsum dolor amet rump ham hock sirloin doner fatback beef kielbasa picanha leberkas sausage buffalo capicola. Shoulder tail pancetta tenderloin. ",
        "autoGrow"       : true,
        "placeHolder"    : "Peter Joles is a Sales Engineer at Artificial Solutions...",
        "style"          : {
          "solo"         : false,
          "outlined"     : false,
          "flat"         : false,
          "filled"       : true,
          "rounded"      : false,
          "shaped"       : false,
          "soloInverted" : false
        "clearable"      : true,
        "persistentHint" : true,
        "rows"           : 5,
        "dense"          : false,
        "counter"        : 12,
        "prefix"         : "",
        "suffix"         : "",
        "icons"          : {
          "prepend"      : "",
          "prependInner" : "",
          "append"       : "",
          "appendOuter"  : "file-document-edit"
        "validations"    : "required"
      "comboBox" : {
        "name"           : "skills",
        "label"          : "What programming skill do you have?",
        "hint"           : "Don't worry if we don't have a skill listed",
        "chips"          : true,
        "multiple"       : true,
        "hideSelected"   : false,
        "deletableChips" : true,
        "clearable"      : true,
        "dense"          : false,
        "items"          : [
            "text"  : "Java",
            "value" : "java"
            "text"  : "Node JS",
            "value" : "nodejs"
        "style"          : {
          "solo"         : true,
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          "shaped"       : false,
          "soloInverted" : false
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        "icons"          : {
          "prepend"      : "",
          "prependInner" : "",
          "append"       : "",
          "appendOuter"  : "code-braces"
        "validations"    : "required"
    { "divider":true },
      "header" : {
        "label"   : "Rugby Time",
        "classes" : [
      "html" : {
        "label"   : "<p>To install Vuetify, type <kbd>npm install vuetify</kbd> into your console. Once complete, type <kbd>cd <code>&lt;project name&gt;</code></kbd> and run <kbd>npm install</kbd></p>",
        "classes" : [
      "select" : {
        "name"           : "favoriteRugbyTeam",
        "label"          : "What's your favorite Rugby Team",
        "hint"           : "Go with the Green and Gold",
        "initialValue"   : "South Africa",
        "chips"          : true,
        "deletableChips" : false,
        "persistentHint" : true,
        "clearable"      : true,
        "multiple"       : false,
        "dense"          : false,
        "hideSelected"   : true,
        "items"          : [
          "South Africa",
          "New Zealand"
        "style"          : {
          "solo"         : true,
          "outlined"     : false,
          "flat"         : false,
          "filled"       : false,
          "rounded"      : false,
          "shaped"       : false,
          "soloInverted" : false
        "icons"          : {
          "prepend"      : "",
          "prependInner" : "",
          "append"       : "",
          "appendOuter"  : "football-australian"
        "validations"    : "required"
      "switch" : {
        "name"           : "newsLetter",
        "label"          : "Do you want to receive our monthly newsletter?",
        "persistentHint" : false,
        "dense"          : false,
        "hint"           : "We won't spam - ever!",
        "initialValue"   : true,
        "inset"          : false
      "radio" : {
        "name"           : "ageRange",
        "label"          : "What's you age range?",
        "dense"          : false,
        "hint"           : "Please don't lie 😁",
        "persistentHint" : true,
        "mandatory"      : true,
        "multiple"       : false,
        "row"            : false,
        "items"          : [
            "label" : "18-25",
            "value" : "18to25"
            "label" : "26-45",
            "value" : "26to45"
        "icons"          : {
          "prepend" : "gesture-tap-hold",
          "append"  : ""
      "image" : {
        "alt"       : "RWC 2019",
        "src"       : "http://sportforbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/JP-Rugby-worldcup-01.jpg",
        "maxWidth"  : "100%",
        "maxHeight" : "600"
      "slider" : {
        "name"           : "musicVolume",
        "label"          : "Volume",
        "hint"           : "Louder is better 😉",
        "persistentHint" : true,
        "color"          : "success",
        "dense"          : false,
        "prependIcon"    : "volume-low",
        "appendIcon"     : "volume-high",
        "initialValue"   : "50",
        "range"          : false,
        "min"            : 0,
        "max"            : 100,
        "step"           : 2,
        "thumbColor"     : "primary",
        "thumbLabel"     : true,
        "thumbSize"      : 32,
        "ticks"          : true,
        "tickLabels"     : [],
        "trackColor"     : "error",
        "trackFillColor" : "success",
        "validations"    : "required"
      "slider" : {
        "name"           : "musicRangeVolume",
        "label"          : "Range",
        "hint"           : "Louder is better 😉",
        "persistentHint" : true,
        "color"          : "success",
        "dense"          : false,
        "prependIcon"    : "volume-low",
        "appendIcon"     : "volume-high",
        "initialValue"   : [ "20", "80" ],
        "range"          : true,
        "min"            : 0,
        "max"            : 100,
        "step"           : 2,
        "thumbColor"     : "primary",
        "thumbLabel"     : true,
        "thumbSize"      : 32,
        "ticks"          : true,
        "tickLabels"     : [],
        "trackColor"     : "error",
        "trackFillColor" : "success",
        "validations"    : "required"
      "checkbox" : {
        "name"           : "agreedToTerms",
        "label"          : "Do you agree to our terms and conditions?",
        "hint"           : "You have to agree before submitting this form",
        "persistentHint" : true,
        "dense"          : false,
        "initialValue"   : false,
        "mustBeChecked"  : true

Last updated