Social Authentication

Leopard can be configured to register, login and logout users using Firebase Authentication.

Once a user is authenticated their full name and email address will be sent to Teneo along with every request.

Longer term I would like to only send an auth token to Teneo and have Teneo validate that token and then retrieve the user information directly from Firebase.


Firebase and Leopard Config

You will need to setup a Firebase project and enable social authentication for the following Sign-in providers:

  • Email/Password

  • Google

  • Facebook

  • GitHub

Define your Firebase configuration in Leopard's Build Variables.

const config = {
   * Social Authentication is provided through
   * Empty values signals no authentication
  socialAuthentication: {
    firebase: {
      apiKey: "",
      authDomain: "",
      databaseUrl: "", // Firebase Realtime Database
      messagingSenderId: "",
      microsoft: {
        domainHint: "", //
        tenant: "" // Azure AD Tenant ID
      projectId: "", // firebase project id
      providers: ["microsoft", "facebook", "google", "github"], // login and register will only show buttons for these providers
      storageBucket: ""

module.exports = config;

Capture Email and Name in Teneo

Pre-processing Script in Teneo
if (engineEnvironment.getParameter("name")) { 
	Lib_sUserFirstName = engineEnvironment.getParameter("name").split()[0]

if (engineEnvironment.getParameter("email")) { 
	globalUserEmail = engineEnvironment.getParameter("email")

Last updated