CSS Styles

Vuetify exposes a wealth of CSS styles that can be referenced in the text of Teneo responses. This includes specific colors, primary and secondary colors (your theme colors), paddings and margins.

Vuetify defines a bunch of helper classes that can be used to add color, decoration, font size, margins and paddings. The classes can be found on the following pages.


Vuetify Link



Border Radius

Spacing » Margins and Padding

Text and Typography

Markdown and HTML example

> ### The quartely results look good!
> - Revenue was off the chart.
> - Profits were higher than ever
> *Everything* is `going according` to **plan**.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Some <b>more</b> text <a href="https://www.artificial-solutions.com/" target="_blank">Artificial Solutions</a>
<span class="red--text">This text should be red</span>
<span class="primary--text">This text should be in the primary color</span>
<span class="secondary--text">This text should be in the secondary color</span>
<span class="text-decoration-underline">This text should be underlined</span>
<div class="elevation-3 primary white--text pa-3">This text should be white, the background should be in the primary color and all the text should have an elevation of 3. Also the div will have a 3 point padding in all directions.</div>

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