CSS Styles

Vuetify exposes a wealth of CSS styles that can be referenced in the text of Teneo responses. This includes specific colors, primary and secondary colors (your theme colors), paddings and margins.

Vuetify defines a bunch of helper classes that can be used to add color, decoration, font size, margins and paddings. The classes can be found on the following pages.

Markdown and HTML example

> ### The quartely results look good!
> - Revenue was off the chart.
> - Profits were higher than ever
> *Everything* is `going according` to **plan**.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Some <b>more</b> text <a href="https://www.artificial-solutions.com/" target="_blank">Artificial Solutions</a>
<span class="red--text">This text should be red</span>
<span class="primary--text">This text should be in the primary color</span>
<span class="secondary--text">This text should be in the secondary color</span>
<span class="text-decoration-underline">This text should be underlined</span>
<div class="elevation-3 primary white--text pa-3">This text should be white, the background should be in the primary color and all the text should have an elevation of 3. Also the div will have a 3 point padding in all directions.</div>

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