
Code is stored in a Github and linked to at the top of this documentation. You will need to have Node.js and Git installed to be able to clone the repository and to build and deploy Leopard.





Add the Extension Helper groovy script to Teneo Studio as either a resource or to the Global Scripts


In Teneo Studio you will want to define a number of global variables and pre-processing scripts

Install Prerequisites

Operating System

Clone Leopard

Operating System

git clone

cd leopard-chat-ui-teneo

Operating System

You can control various build aspects of Leopard through build variables.

Run Leopard

Operating System

npm run serve

Build for Production

Operating System

npm run build

Windows Users

You will need to install node-gyp globally. This is needed because some native node modules need to be compiled.

Start PowerShell as Administrator and run:

Only run this once Node.js is installed. The command below will take a while to complete but it only has to be run once.

npm install --global windows-build-tools

Source Code

The latest code is stored in GitHub.

Clone Repository

git clone leopard
cd leopard

Install Dependencies

This command will inspect the dependencies in the project's package.json file and will download them locally.

npm install

If you are on a version of npm > 6.0.0 you should preferably install dependencies using:

npm ci

Run Locally in Development Mode

To run a local version of Leopard for testing and development run the following.

npm run serve

The browser should automatically open to http://localhost:8080/ once compiled. You can change code in the project and the Website should automatically reload.

Build for Production

The following command will compile, compress and minify all the code for production. The resulting HTML, CSS and JS code in the /distfolder can then be deployed to any web server.

npm run build

Last updated