You can apply a set of custom validations against any of the form fields that accept input.
You can apply a set of custom validations against any of the form fields that accept input. The validation rules are provided by VeeValidate and there are a large set of available validations that can be chained together. To chain validations together separate them with a pipe sign |
VeeValidate is used for validations. You have a wealth of configurable validations that can be chained together. A full listing of validations can be found here
Example Rules
Required and the field under validation must have a numeric value bounded by a minimum value and a maximum value.
The field under validation must be numeric and have the specified number of digits.
The field under validation must be a valid email.
The field under validation must have a value that is in the specified list. Uses double equals for checks.
The field under validation must be equal to the first argument passed, uses ===
for equality checks. Note that using the string format will cause any arguments to be parsed as strings, so use the object format when using this rule.
The field under validation length may not exceed the specified length.
The field under validation must be a numeric value and must not be greater than the specified value.
The field under validation length should not be less than the specified length.
The field under validation must be a numeric value and must not be less than the specified value.
The field under validation must only consist of numbers.
regex: /^[0-9]+$/
The field under validation must match the specified regular expression.
The field under validation must have a non-empty value. By default, all validators pass the validation if they have "empty values" unless they are required. Those empty values are: empty strings, undefined, null, empty arrays.
The field under validation must have a non-empty value only if the target field (first argument) is set to one of the specified values (other arguments).
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